In the early 70s Greek cinema entered in a period of crisis. One of its aspects was said "crisis of issues" and one of the exits heard in the name "erotic cinema". The genre was already acquaintance from the abundance of foreigner films, that was distributed in the grindhouses under the "adults only" motto and its Greek version had a lot of variants.
Θανάσης Παπαθανασίου
Μιχάλης Μανιάτης
Κατερίνα Τσάβαλου
Κώστας Γκουσγκούνης
Αιμίλιος Χειλάκης
Βαλέρια Χριστοδουλίδου
Νίκος Κούνδουρος
Φωκίων Μπόγρης
Πάνος Κούτρας
Γιάννης Σολδάτος
Δημήτρης Αθανίτης
Τίνα Σπάθη